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IIAI and its members advocate at both the state and federal level on policies and regulations that impact the independent agent system. IIAI employs a full-time and part-time lobbyist to oversee monitoring and lobbying at the Iowa Statehouse, while IIAI staff and members work to support IIABA's efforts and to monitor and lobby issues that come before Congress.  Click the links if you would like more information on the Iowa Legislature, US Senate or the US House of Representatives.

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Independent Insurance Agents of Iowa - Political Action Committee
The Independent Insurance Agents of Iowa Political Action Committee receives donations from members.  The IIAI/PAC is regulated by State law and files reports with the Iowa Campaign Disclosure Commission.  The IIAI/PAC makes donations to candidates and office holders for Governor and the Iowa House and Senate of both parties.  IIAI reviews voting records, survey forms, and receives lobbyist input to determine who receives campaign funds from the PAC.

Contributions can be sent to:
Independent Insurance Agents of Iowa
4000 Westown Parkway, Suite 200
West Des Moines, IA  50266
No corporate donations permitted by law.  The only checks that can be accepted are personal, L.C./L.L.C., partnership or sole proprietor.  Anything with "Inc." anywhere on the check will not be accepted.

IIAI participates with other states in InsurPac, our National Political Action Committee.  Donations are made to candidates and office holders for both parties of the U.S. House and Senate.
Contributing to InsurPac...What You Need to Know
  • InsurPac CANNOT accept corporate checks.   All incorporated checks will be returned to the donor.  If a corporate check is received, it will be returned a request will be made for a personal check.
  • Cash contributions are limited to $100 per individual in a calendar year.
  • IIAI may not accept cash from any donor and then write a check on behalf of the donor.
  • InsurPac cannot accept contributions made in the name of another.
  • Checks must be made payable to InsurPac.  Checks written out to your state PAC, your agency or anything other than InsurPac will be returned.  In addition, checks may not be endorsed to InsurPac.
  • An individual may contribute no more than $5,000 to InsurPac in a calendar year.
  • Checks drawn on non-incorporated partnership accounts are acceptable, but InsurPac requires that a partnership form be filled out by an agency and submitted with the partnership check. 
To learn more about InsurPac or to make a contribution, please contact the IIAI office (800) 272-9312 (in-state only) or (515) 223-6060, or Nathan Riedel in the IIABA office (202) 863-7000.

What is InsurPac? ​                   InsurPac Contribution Form​​​​              Online Contribution to InsurPac